Is journalism boot camp worth $500?

From mediabistro:

Not included in the cost: the price of eternal rejection

sorry but if you have $500 to spend, you are way ahead of the game already:

In this changing media climate, it’s more important than ever to stand out as a top writer. This class will give you the edge to land more assignments.

Each week, you’ll push yourself to research, write, and pitch a new piece. Classes will begin with your instructor’s lectures, but will primarily be devoted to workshopping student writing.

Assignments include a service/how-to piece, an arts and culture review, a profile, a metro section piece, an editorial, a business/news article, a personal essay, and at least two pitch letters.

In this class, you will learn:

  • How to write a pitch an editor can’t turn down [uh-huh-Ed.]
  • Which print and online publications are most freelancer friendly
  • How to work with editors so they’ll want to work with you

By the end of class, you will have:
A complete portfolio of 7 publishable articles that will impress any editor, the ability to work under tight deadlines, and the know-how to create the career you want.

What say you? Is this kind of information worth half a grand? Is it possible to teach? For the record, other things you can get for less than $500: a stint at Ladies’ Rock Camp, an iPad to read Rupert’s new paper, approx. 76 Chipotle burritos, the food my own journalism education was entirely fueled by in college.

3 responses to “Is journalism boot camp worth $500?

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention Is journalism boot camp worth $500? | Inverted Soapbox --

  2. Pingback: Inverted Ziggurat | Minecraft Chunk

  3. Hah, so I just saw this page about becoming a dentist in four hours right after reading your post and I thought it might be somewhat analogous to this journalism course.

    4-Hour Dentist

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